I understand the hesitation come coaches have about coach supervision. When I went through coach training classes from several different companies, I never heard of supervision. Instead, I thought that I didn’t need or even want a supervisor telling me what I was doing wrong. My concept of coach supervision was built upon the business concept of supervision – they hire us, decide any increase in pay we might get, and often are even the ones who fire us. No thanks!
If your understanding of coach supervision is similar to this, I would like to invite you to take an exploratory step. I offer monthly group supervision, and like the one-to-one supervision I provide you can earn ICF core competency credits for your participation.
You might think of group supervision as being similar to group coaching, but there are some key differences.
- Because group coaching earns ICF CCEU credits, the size is limited to only five coaches in a group. In group coaching, a topic has already been chosen by the coach.
- Like group coaching, the participation fee for group coach supervision is usually about half the cost of one-to-one coach supervision – an easier entry point.
- In group supervision, all five coaches come to the group with a proposed topic. The group then chooses two topics in which they have the most interest in that they would like to explore.
- In Casual Coach Supervision, each group is made up of a different set of coaches and the supervisor does most of the supervision process.
- In On-Going Coach Supervision, five coaches decide to meet together for a period of time (three months to one year), usually scheduled every other month.
- And different from One-to-One Coach Supervision, each coach needs to “hold” their topic until the group meets (whereas in one-to-one the coach can schedule a more timely supervision session).
If you have never experienced coach supervision before, a Casual Supervision session may be your best first option. You and four other coaches who don’t know each other and may never meet again enroll for a 1.5-hour session (earning 1.5 CCEUs for your ICF accreditation renewal). Go here to see when the next three Group Supervision sessions are scheduled.
After one or two Casual Supervision sessions, you might like to try an On-Going Supervision round. These are held on a bi-monthly basis. One option will be mid-morning weekday sessions, and the other will be mid-afternoon weekday sessions. There are no evening or weekend sessions currently planned as most coaches try to keep those times free for family activities. Go here to see when the next three On-Going morning and afternoon sessions will begin – and remember these would require a three-month, six-month, or one-year commitment.
Group coach supervision may, and sometimes is, blended with one-to-one coach supervision. I offer the blend of three group coach supervision sessions with two one-to-one sessions. To participate in a Blended Coach Supervision Group, you simply choose a Blended group (here) which will be an On-Going group with two additional One-to-One sessions that can be sessions on-demand in the months between the On-Going group sessions.